Matrix Martial Arts Leicester classes
Freestyle TKD and Martial Arts lessons, Leicester and surrounding villages

Freestyle TKD classes Leicester martial arts lessons Leicester

martial artists supporting children with cancer

martial artists supporting children with cancer
Welcome to Matrix Martial Arts
Freestyle Taekwondo and martial arts lessons in Leicester for children, teens and adults
With over 20 years teaching experience, our Instructors are eager to see you excel in all areas of your life. Whether you want to have more confidence, want to be fitter or want to meet new, active and motivated people just like you, Karate classes in Leicester is what you are looking for!
We also have regular guest instructors over to teach a little of their own styles to give a broad knowledge of the arts in a safe and friendly enviroment!
Lil Dragons classes 3.5 to 7yrs
Freestyle TKD 7 to 14
About Us
Our Martial Arts classes have been teaching children and adults Karate and self defence in and around Leicester for over 10 years. Hundreds of fit and active students training regularly to build confidence, learn light contact sparring, develop discipline and make new friends in our family orientated classes.
Free trial class available, just call or email for your FREE no obligation taster session!
Self Defence Workshops conducted at your premises, call for details!
Customer facing Staff safety sessions, call for details!
Youth group sessions towards community projects or cub scout badges conducted at your club, call for details!
Teens and Adults 14 up
Contact Us
Mob: 07789 727672
Fleckney Sports Centre. LE8 8BG
Fleckney Village Hall. LE8 8AS
Houghton on the hill Village Hall LE7 9GE
Mountsorrel scouts hall The Green. LE12 7AF
Leicester Forest East St Andrews Church. LE3 3PF
Braunstone Winstanley CC. LE3 3BD
Braunstone Trinity church LE3 2RD
Braunstone Frith Primary School LE3 6NF
Dovelands primary school LE3 0TJ